Friday, April 07, 2006


Lets look at some cold hard facts. Our $ is getting really weak. If you were one of the smarter ones who loaded up on GOLD @ 3-450/oz take your profits and be happy. Remember when Gold was making its way to $570 and trickled back down to $535 in just a few days? What were you thinking then? Heres your second chance. $600.00/ounce is good money. Remember: A man who loves money will never have enough, and will never be happy. If $600 is not enough I'm guessing $800 won't be either, especially since it could go to $900............................... RIGHT?

You can buy a lot more silver for your dollars than gold and though it may surprise you, SILVER is rarer than gold. It is a FACT! We have literally more gold above ground right now than we do silver and I don't think the situation is going to change anytime soon.

We HOARD GOLD and CONSUME SILVER. Not many people realize this fact. Every year millions of ounces of the grey metal is lost forever never to be recovered again ever. Gold on the other hand is simply moved around, place to place, and is never actually disposed of.

Since SILVER is probably going to be worth more than gold in less than 10 years I say get your hand on all you can, follow multi-BILLIONAIRE Buffet's theory. He alledgly bought 130 million ounces. Worth over 46 billion I'm sure he could afford more but was there more to buy? Does he really have posession of the metal or is it just a piece of paper? I have heard lots of unconfirmed stories. TRUTH IS IT'S HIS OWN BUSINESS! I'm just saying he was smart enough to buy because he could see the opportunity silver held. And the opportunity is still there for anyone who wants to take advantage of it. I hope you will be wise and not be one of the many left standing in line to pay $80-100 /oz with a target set at $150. By then the premium over spot will most likely be $5-$9, so don't sweat over a $ or so difference one way or the other.

I'm taking today easy, I want to reward myself for another job well done this week, (maybe a new BMW)- Since it's Friday I don't suggest selling any short silver. 13.00 options are pretty safe but I reccomend if your not experienced with the beast you just buy the metal. You'll be glad you did! Have an AWESOME WEEKEND !!! Author---GR.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

international reports due overnight. you sleep. I'll watch.

We must always remember that when the world has a substantially negitive or frightening report issued metal prices tend to climb and sometimes soar. I will be watching out for all possible indicators that will affect tomorrows markets and will try to give the most accurate predictions and strategies for investing tomorrow. Get a good nights sleep and hold all of your physical SILVER. Your holding what will eventually compensate you for Roosevelts foolish decisions. Author- GR.

Let the GOLD SOAR!!! Don't forget the SILVER!!!

If you remember I called for SILVER to BREAK $12.00/ ounce before the end of the week and it took less than 58 hours. NOT BAD. I can add a nice amount to my net worth. It looks like the Gold market has made a remarkable recovery back to almost 596/oz but I wonder for how long? I still maintain Silver is almost "bullet Proof" as I beleive we will see 15.00 before September, however, if your going to buy GOLD at $almost$600 Plan on holding it for at least 3 years and don't sit and stew about it. Gold does hold a major hedge against inflation since our Country is running on 4 flats however it will most likely be 2010 before we see Gold selling in the $850-900 range. CONGRATULATIONS to whoever called the silver yesterday as I did when it was down and held it overnight- I suggest being safe and selling at 11.20-40 today as a target and get out if it falls hard to 11.80. Never lose what you have in hand. Remember win 3 lose 1, and you'll always be a winner! Best of trading today. Author-GR.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Heads UP!!!

If your looking to buy Gold, today is a good day to hesitate. I imagine it will still drop another $5 and tomorrow you will get a little more for your money. Watch the Silver move up the chart AGAIN today! I'm Calling 11.80-.90 before a close around .75-.80.
"Invest to protect your assetts, don't destroy them!" CopyRight. Author-GR.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Well, A day after the beginning of a new quarter all of the pressure is focused right where it should be. Oil, Gold, and SILVER! Careful of Gold. Nearing 600 an ounce with a $20-$50/ounce over spot buy price you'll nedd to see it go to $750/ounce to make a decent return. SILVER is a lot safer.

Lets look at prices. Gold should trade between 585 and 595 this week.
SILVER SHOULD EASILY BREAK $12.00 and keep right on going!!!
I am not waiting to buy until it's $15.00.
Don't overlook Palladium it also has gained $50.00 in the last 30 days making it one of the quickest profit makers of all. this metal slipped throught the cracks. Everyone was so caught up on the to big ones they forgot one of the essentials. I beleive this metal hold tremendous profit potential as well. REMEMBER: Invest with your head, keep your metal portfolio balanced and always consult a professional C.F.P.

Demand FACTS! Not Hype. May a fortune Follow! GR.